Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice

We take data protection seriously at Batley Food Bank. We are committed to protecting personal data shared with us, whether directly or through third parties such as referring agencies. We aim for our data protection practices to be fully compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This notice explains why and how we collect, store and use personal data and the steps you should take if you want to find out more about our practices.

If you have any questions, please email them to

When and why do we collect personal information?

  • If you, or someone acting on your behalf, request food, to ensure that we have the correct details to meet the request and to ensure fair and appropriate use of our service. 
  • If you give us a donation of food or money, to keep a record of your gift, which may be needed for accounting purposes.
  • If you apply to volunteer with us, we need to know who you are, and to have emergency contact details for you.
  • If we employ you to work for us, we need to hold employment information as required by law and to process any payment due to you.
  • During the Covid-19 pandemic, we may be required to pass on your details for the purposes of contact tracing. 

How do we collect personal information?

  • In person 
  • By phone
  • By email, including referral forms
  • By post
  • On line for example via Facebook direct message

All the information we collect is provided to us directly by you or shared by a third party with your consent. 

How we store personal information

Personal data is stored securely all times. We have introduced physical, technological and organisational measures to protect electronic and paper-based data from loss, theft and misuses. Electronic information is password protected and physical information is stored in a locked cabinet.

Can you see the personal information we hold on you?

You have a right to access the personal information we hold on you and to ask us to correct or remove any inaccurate information.

To request a copy of the personal information we hold on you, please contact our Data Protection Officer using the details below:

Post: Batley Food Bank, Admiral House, Blakeridge Lane, Batley WF17 8PD

Phone: 01924 474999


How do we use the personal information that we hold?

This depends on why we hold it.

For donors, we hold a minimum of information.  Many donations are made anonymously. We may hold name, address, telephone number, email address. This will be held for a period of not more than one year, after which it will be securely destroyed, to enable us to thank donors and to monitor sources of help. It will be anonymised in any analysis of food bank donations. Where donors pay by cheque, a record is kept in our paying in book of the donor name and amount, or if the cheque is deposited by secure banking app, we may keep the original cheque for a period of not more than one year for the purposes of accounting audit, after which it will be securely destroyed.  Donations made by bank transfer will normally show only a name and any reference provided. It is our policy to only thank donors identifiably publicly e.g. on social media with their consent. Donors who provide their name and address, an email address or other contact details may be contacted to thank them for their donation, but this information will not be used to solicit further donations, and it will be stored and then securely destroyed as above. 

For people requesting food, referral details as supplied on referral forms are held for a period of up to one year since the last referral or emergency food request, after which the details will be securely destroyed. Details remain on a digital record for 2 years. Data will be anonymised in any analysis of general food bank use.

For Employees, We will hold employee information securely as required by law for the time periods required.  Payroll information is used to pay wages due and associated costs. Payroll processing is undertaken by a payroll bureau on our behalf. This bureau is provided with and holds the necessary information to do this.

For volunteers, we will hold your information for a period of one year after you have last volunteered. After this time, it will be securely destroyed. 

Who can see my data?

Data is only shared with members of the food bank team who need to fulfil a request for food.  Data may be analysed to identify patterns for example in requests for food. We may share your details with other Food Banks or Food and Welfare providers to ensure fair use of the assistance available. 

Unless it is essential to identify an individual all data is anonymised. 

Only Trustees have knowledge of donor information.

We do not share your data with any other third parties unless required to by law.

Information held on any team member is only accessed for specific purposes for example to contact in the event of unexpected absence or emergency.

Date of last update: April 2024

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